Sleep now

Welcome, my pet... it's good to have you here....
And I know how free you feel... back under my spell now...
so don't fight it. that's right, let your muscles
slacken slightly as your eyes fix on my words...
drawn ever so slowly forward... and as you feel your body loosen,
let that warm, pleasant feeling spill all through you...
feel how nice it is to let every muscle and every nerve get so loose,
so lax, so pliable to my will and soooo relaxed...

Mmmmm, yes, that's right... let yourself get drawn in...

now, feel a deliciously warm shiver penetrate your whole body, from
the top of your scalp down your neck and chest, down the small
of your back ... through the deepest center of you all the way down to your
toes, preparing you for the total relaxation you find in my words...
now feel as every nerve and every muscle lets itself
grow completely loose, utterly lost in this warm, soft
feeling... so relaxed...

concentrate on the way this feeling washes over you
skimming like silk, while your body feels heavier and heavier... as
you relax deeper and deeper... that's right... deep for me now...
you start to feel more relaxed with each sensual, soft, easy
breath you take...and you feel so lax, so sleepy... but so aware
of my words, my commands to you... yearning for my commands...

and with each drowsy breath, you realize how deep you are falling...

more relaxed with every breath... you breathe out tension...
and breathe in your mistress Miala...

now you are ready to fall deeper...

...and deeper...

...under my spell, where you belong.